Renting, 7 rules for being a good landlord

Renting, 7 rules for being a good landlord
This article is not my own work, at least not everything, but I took a piece of news of the real estate portal, taken up in turn by BlogAffitto that I thought it would be useful to all of you. I agree with every point and I think that some steps may be little obvious but very practical.
Deciding to put your rental property is an important choice. We must first know the market and then be able to manage the relationship with the tenant.
Leave your grandmother’s furniture at Grandma’s house.
In case you decide to rent a furnished property is good not to recycle old furniture. Obviously we’re not talking that has to be completely new, especially in Orta and historic villages, the houses are filled with antiques. But it is better, preferring a few furnishings, but modern and functional. Let’s think that the grandmother’s dresser that we love so much, but that is hard to close, will not please our tenant. But above all they can not cure it with due caution. I therefore believe it is better clean the house from old furniture, old or sentimental value. Also to prevent future disputes due to the use that the tenant will do.
The house, then, must be properly cleaned and repainted. Those who wish may decide to consult an expert of Home Staging.
Tenant selection: no prejudices. it is important to assess their solvency and understand each other’s needs.
In choosing the tenant the only important criteria to follow is solvency. Others are just prejudices. It is good, therefore, to verify any previous missed payments or protests. To consider, finally, the compatibility between the characteristics of the property for rent and tenant needs, this point is very important to me.
Ok the price is right. The rents change, adapt to the market it is crucial to avoid a prolonged vacancy.
You you need to comply to the market and, from time to time, ask a rent that is in line with the period. The market is fluctuating, you know, for this reason you should not fixate on a price, but adapt to market fluctuations in order to avoid a prolonged vacancy.
Transparency, transparency, transparency. legal contract and nothing strange tricks with residence and utilities.
Be transparent. If you you demand correctness from your tenant, you must behave in an equally correct. Then draw up a contract, register it and all that follows.
Verba volant, scripta manent.
In addition to the lease, it is always better to put on paper all that is established during the lease.
Any change during the lease period and at the end thereof must be put pen to paper. If you have entrusted to a professional for the conclusion of the lease, it is one of the first things he will tell you!
You must treat the rented house as you would treat your home.
Provide punctually to extraordinary maintenance.
Treat the house for rent with all due respect. This applies both to the tenant as for the landlord. The first mentioned has to carry out the necessary maintenance and the second can not avoid intervening in case of extraordinary maintenance.
Be nice. Kindness will save the world.
You have to establish a good relationship with the tenant. In this case, kindness is the watchword. Be friendly, discreet and kind help to maintain good relations and avoid annoying problems.
Alice –